I learned a lot about family while in Massachusetts recently – and I learned a lot about mothers…. especially the ones in my family. In my family, a mother’s love knows no bounds. And that’s NOT just a cheesy cliché. The mother here happens to be my Aunt. She has four awesome kids, each with their own unique personality. She’s an incredibly strong woman with a passion for life and learning and laughter – and she’s contagious to be around. With her sense of humor and unmeasurable patience, she has a knack for teaching, while still maintaing her enthusiasm for being a life-long learner. I’ve always enjoyed being a guest in her home as a kid growing up, and even now as an adult. There’s an atmosphere about her and her family that just make you feel welcome and at home. You can be yourself and she will accept you with open arms and no questions. She’s done well raising four children each with their own identity and yet an incredible sense of family and unity. I’m fortunate to have spent time with her and her family recently and hope to be back soon.
Happy mother’s day.
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