Indianapolis Family Photographer | casey and her camera
This year was a BIG year for casey and her camera. It was big, it was exciting, it was challenging, but most of all IT.WAS.REWARDING. I often use the saying ‘the bigger the risk, the greater the reward‘ when working my day-job. I also often forget to hold myself to this standard. I’ve played it safe for the past few years – toying with this idea of becoming a Professional Photographer, but never really making the leap to make it happen. After all, ignorance is bliss, right? And if I never fully go for it, and just play it safe, I can never be burned by rejection or let-down… right?!
WRONG. It’s almost worse that way. You see, I’m my own biggest critic… always have been. And if I play it safe and never leap, I’ll have to face my OWN rejection and let-down, and I’m pretty convinced what I’ll put on myself in this area is far worse than what the general public will! So this year, I went for it. I had a little push to get going; she’s my FAVORITE pusher of all time. Leah has been pushing me since I met her 5+ years ago. Pushing me as a teacher, pushing me as a professional, as a human being, and this year… pushing me as a photographer. When I photographed her wedding this year, I had to make the leap. She was married in FL at a venue that required me to be legit – registered, insured, the whole bit. Once I took these steps, I gained a bit of confidence, and with a newfound hole in my pocket (start up costs are NOT cheap!) I figured, no time like the present!
2013, my first OFFICIAL year open as a business, I shot two weddings, four lifestyle sessions, one boudoir session, a gender reveal, a photo booth, four family sessions, a senior session, and a handful of other gigs. I joined a challenge group called Project Ten, gained 150 new fans (( hello!)), redid my blog and site (twice), rebranded, designed and implemented new packaging, fine-tuned my editing style ((CHEERING!!!)), and above all else realized I CAN DO THIS.
So, as a 2013 Recap, and because in this case, pictures speak louder than words, here is a quick look into the awesomeness that was 2013. Thank you to those that have been with me since 2010 – it’s been four full years of portfolio building and business growth. I’m thrilled to have had you with me this long and know, truly, that I never could have gotten this far without your words of encouragement, supporting ideas and thoughts, and the belief and trust you have instilled in me, my work, and ultimately, this dream that is finally becoming a reality.
Cheers to you, 2013. XOXO
Want to know what will be happening in 2014? Stick around! That’s up next!
casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Family Photographer specializing in family, couple, lifestyle, senior, and wedding photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
Jan 26, 2014
[…] you followed yesterday’s 2013 Recap posting, then you may have guessed this was coming. If not, you may not have read far enough (allll […]