Fall is my favorite time of year for so many different reasons, and in my business it’s because it’s the time of year I meet the most new family clients. Family sessions will always be my first love and this Elm Street Green family session is the perfect example. I’ve always been drawn to images with movement and play and adventure – anything that illustrated and showcases who you are as a family. When families show up ready to just “be”, I know we’re going to have a good time.
These three walked over to the Green from their home and we spent the evening exploring a park that they spend a lot of time at as a family. We let CeCe lead the way and show us all of her favorite things – sticks and rocks and flowers and yoga poses! It was a perfect evening and as we talked more I learned that Sara and Aaron have never had photos of just the two of them. I always try to incorporate some parent shots into my sessions when possible so when CeCe decided she was ready for snack time, we took advantage and ended out the session with a sweet round of couple photos. Just see for yourself!
casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Family Photographer specializing in couple, lifestyle, elopement, wedding and family photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
casey and her camera is an Indianapolis family photographer specializing in family and lifestyle photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.