It’s been a long time (too long) since I’ve had my camera in hand and gone photo-adventuring. This time of year up here no amount of photos can capture the colors of fall in Colorado. It’s not your typical fall array of warm colors, but it’s brilliant yellow with elk bugling in the background. It smells like fall, and on a good day, feels like fall, too. The best part about the whole thing is the yellow speckles on the mountains close to the tree lines. If you look closely, you can just start to make it out. It’s the best time of year, and enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last long. If you can, stand in the middle of an aspen grove and just enjoy the feeling of being among a living organism that large (second largest in the world!). Take some time for yourself this fall… enjoy all the things that fall encompasses. Hang out with some fall-lovers and let them rub off on you a bit. Let it refresh you, let it warm you from the inside out (surely not from the outside in up here!). Get ready, here come the holidays, here come all the best parts of the year…. and here comes the snow. 🙂
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