Up in Rowley, Massachusetts there sits a historic building from the early 1900’s. Through the years the mansion has served many purposes. It was a “summer cottage” when first built (wouldn’t you like this to be your summer cottage?), was the setting for ’13 Rue Madeline’ in the 40’s, and moved into it’s current occupation in the 50’s – where it continues to stand strong. Though parts of the exterior may be deteriorating, their structures and integrity stand strong – an ironic metaphor to the occupants who reside here. Set up high on the hill with a view of the Atlantic, this home holds many who are dear – one in particular who strikes a chord in my heart. As the whirlwind that we call life sweeps around us and takes on a beautiful journey, it is important to stop and take a moment to those who have impacted us and helped to shape our lives. It’s important to take the time to listen to the whole song, to hold a hand, to say a prayer, or to listen to the waves crash. It’s important to take the time to let those in our lives know that we appreciate them, that we love them, and that we are with them until the end. To all those mothers who have impacted our lives through generations and generations…. thank you….and happy mother’s day.
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Wow – just wow. Thank you Casey for such beautiful images and sentiments about the mother who strikes a chord in my heart – as do all my talented nieces! Much love, Auntie Donna