It was only just a couple of months ago that I was shooting Jessica and Ashish’s maternity session and somehow in the blink of an eye, their little Kabir made his arrival. Kabir arrived a bit earlier than expected and with the most majestic head of hair I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I’m still drooling over it as I wrap up this gallery. Since having my own little one a few months ago, these lifestyle newborn sessions speak to me on a different level than before. Of course, the last two in a row I’ve had (and my next two coming up!) have been for baby boys, too.
Kabir was so sweet during our session. He was wide-eyed and alert for almost all of it and I was so impressed with how he was already tracking so well. Jessica and Ashish are true naturals in their roles as parents and make it look easy and comfortable. Plus, remember all the pups I mentioned in my last post about them? Well, they made it into a family photo! Congratulations again, Jain family! Savor these days, they fly by too quickly!

casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Lifestyle Photographer specializing in couple, elopement, wedding, family, and lifestyle photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
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