Yesterday morning Beauty Revived announced their 50 photographers from across the US who were chosen to be the photographers of the 50 Most Beautiful Mothers project. Not only will these mothers be features on the Beauty Revived blog, but Beauty Revived is partnering with Denim + Grace to publish a special issue featuring 100 pages of these mothers and their story. It fills my heart, and I could not be more humbled to announce that I will be joining alongside 49 other amazing photographers to help share the story of one strong mother here from Indiana.
Over the next few days I will be accepting nominations for mothers who want to share their story. There are no other requirements for the perfect woman other than she be a mother with a story that she is ready to share for the strength and encouragement of women, everywhere.
Eligible mothers must reside in Indiana and live within a 60 mile radius of Indianapolis or be willing to travel there. A signed image release will be required as these images will be published alongside their story both online and in print. This session is FREE to the mother, her children and significant other may be included, and she will receive full resolution images and print release for her participation. This session will be filled and completed by March 22.
Do you know someone who is beauty revived? Want to nominate her? As always, check with her first (no surprise nominations, please), and then email me a brief introduction to her (copy her on your email, if possible). Emails can be sent directly to
Let’s work together to show the world just how beautiful you are. <3
casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Family Photographer specializing in family, couple, lifestyle, senior, and wedding photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
Mar 7, 2015