I’m so excited to share this Eagle Creek Park engagement session! I’m even more excited to work with these two next June for their wedding! Taylor and Jackson are college sweethearts and their engagement session was the first time we met in person. We talked movies, outdoor adventures, teaching (Taylor is graduating next month with her teaching degree!), and all sorts of other goodies. We were all so excited to get to know each other since we had only gotten a chance to email and connect over the phone, it was an awesome game of 20 Questions (and then some) with us taking turns firing them back and forth. Turns out, they’re absolutely adorable – both as a couple and as individuals. I’ve been so fortunate to work with so many heart-of-gold clients and these two as just that. When you’re around them, their spirits are just catching – the happiness, the kindness, and their love of the great outdoors.
Our session was frigid (why wouldn’t it be with these crazy weather patterns!?), but when I asked them if they wanted to dip their toes into the creek they were as excited as kids on Christmas morning. They jumped at the opportunity – and then into the creek… which was probably somewhere around 45 degrees. Yikes! They grinned through it all and snuggled up together for photos that will make your heart want to burst, before curling up on the quilt to warm their numb feet.
I LOVE how much these two love the outdoors. It speaks to me – there’s nowhere I’d rather be than tromping through the wilderness with clients, playing and laughing and adventuring. I cannot wait for their June wedding where we’ll get a chance to dance through a vineyard at sunset. Sigh… just dreamy.
Taylor and Jackson, thank you for choosing me! I am so thrilled to get to know you both even more and to document your journey as you step into a life as Mr. and Mrs.
Her. ring. is. STUNNING. Check out that ring underneath the center stone. 😍
casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Wedding Photographer specializing in family, couple, lifestyle, elopement, and wedding photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
Nov 17, 2017
what part of the park were the creek pictures taken?