Indianapolis Family Photographer | casey and her camera

casey and her camera | Independent Contractor Contract

This Independent Contractor Contract (the “Contract”) is entered into between  (“Contractor”), and casey and her camera LLC d/b/a casey and her camera, an Indiana limited liability company (“Photographer”) on the date of Contractor execution of this Agreement as indicated in the electronic signature block of this Agreement (the “Effective Date”).

  1. Position. The Contractor agrees to work with the Photographer as a work-for-hire Independent Contractor providing photography services for the date specified in the Wedding Information section of this contract. The Contractor will be provided with an arrival time in advance of the photography starting time in order to accommodate a review of all wedding timelines as provided by the Photographer. The Contractor shall provide adequate transportation for any venue changes unless otherwise arranged by the Photographer. The Contractor shall have functioning cell phone service for the duration of the assignment. Cell phone volume should be turned to vibrate and used solely for communication with the Photographer unless during a meal or break time.
  1. Duration. The effective term of this Contract will begin upon signing by both the Contractor and the Photographer. This Contract shall conclude upon the Contractor’s completion of duties under the Contract.
  1. Payment. In exchange for successful completion of this assignment the Contractor will receive payment at the close of the event as detailed in the payment plan. The payment plan Contract as agreed to by the Photographer and the Client shall be included as an addendum to this Contract and will include all hourly or daily wages and rates, including travel compensation as applicable. Additional time will be paid out at a rate of $50/hour.
  1. Dress Code. The Contractor shall dress in accordance with the standards of the Photographer for the assignment. The Photographer may determine what is defined as appropriate attire and dress code may change seasonally or for the terms of the assignment. The Photographer shall discuss these requirements with the Contractor in advance of the assignment. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining a professional and well-groomed appearance in the presence of clients or guests at all times.
  1. Equipment. The Contractor is responsible for providing all of the equipment of use with which to complete the assignments unless agreed upon otherwise. Required equipment includes, but is not limited to a full-frame DSLR camera body, high speed lenses, CF or SD memory cards, batteries, and speedlites. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring all images are shot in RAW format. In the event of use of the Photographer’s equipment, the Contractor is liable for any damage done to the Photographer’s equipment outside ordinary wear and tear.
  1. Use of Equipment. The Contractor agrees to use their own equipment and shall deliver all digital images to the Photographer at the close of the event. The Photographer is not responsible for the Contractor’s equipment during the course of the event. In the event of use of the Photographer’s equipment, the Contractor is required to replace or repair any equipment damage that may occur to the Photographer’s equipment during the course of the event.
  1. Relationship. Nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the Photographer and the Contractor. In entering into this Contract, and in providing services pursuant hereto, the Contractor has and shall have the status of an Independent Contractor and nothing herein contained shall contemplate or constitute an agent or employee relationship and neither the Contractor nor the Photographer shall have any authority to bind the other in any way.
  1. Venue Guidelines. The Contractor is bound to guidelines and policies of venue officials or management.
  1. Meals and Breaks. When meal service is included in the event timeline, the Contractor shall be provided a meal for coverage lasting six (6) or more hours. This meal will be provided according to the terms between the Client and the Photographer. The Photographer will notify the Contractor of all timelines and seating guides. The Contractor hereby agrees to list all food allergies and dietary restrictions in the Wedding Information section of this Contract. A fifteen (15) minute break, outside of the standard meal period, will be provided, at the Photographer’s sole discretion, for coverage that lasts more than eight (8) hours.
  1. Zero Tolerance. The Photographer has a zero tolerance policy for the following, including but not limited to the use, consumption, or possession of drugs or alcohol and any related paraphernalia. The Photographer also has a zero tolerance policy for any sex, vandalism, slander, abuse, profanity, or use of weaponry of any kind during the terms of this assignment.
  1. Copyright & Reproduction Rights. The Contractor’s assignment is a work-for-hire job; as such the copyrights to the images produced by him/her belong to the Photographer. The Contractor agrees not to sell any image taken during the contracted event to any person, company, group, and advertising agency or otherwise without the Photographer’s express written permission. Once the Photographer has delivered the online gallery to the client the Photographer grants the Contractor permission to use the images taken during the contracted event in the following manner(s): personal print or online portfolio, website, web-log, brochures, or other personal advertising tools. The Contractor is prohibited from the following, including, but not limited to submitting images for online or print publication, contest, or reproduction for vendor advertisement.

The Photographer shall make gallery proofs available to the Client through an online gallery proofing website. These proofs shall be available to the Client within eight (8) weeks of the wedding. The Photographer will notify the Contractor once the gallery has been delivered so that the Contractor may begin to utilize the images as outlined.

  1. Social Media & Online Use. The Contractor shall not tag, name, or identify the clients, guests, vendors, or venues on any Social Media, blog posts, or website portfolio images in any fashion. When uploading to a Facebook or Instagram Social Media profile, the Contractor shall “tag” the Photographer’s business page in the post or image of the uploaded files. The Contractor shall link to the Photographer’s website when blogging any images taken for this Contract.
  1. Confidentiality. The Contractor acknowledges that by engaging in an Independent Contractor relationship with the Photographer, the Contractor will potentially obtain access to the Photographer’s clients, client lists, business plan, business model, and other sources of confidential information. The Contractor agrees and acknowledges that such confidential information is important to the business of the Photographer and will not misappropriate any knowledge gained during the term of engagement for the Contractor’s own commercial gain or any other purposes.

The Contractor agrees that during the entire term of the assignment, and for a period of one year from the conclusion of the assignment, the Contractor will abide by the following provisions:

(a) The Contractor will not solicit or attempt to solicit any business from an active client of the Photographer.

(b) The Contractor will not disrupt, impair, interfere, or hinder the business of the Photographer in any manner, including, but not limited to, soliciting, inducing, or attempting to solicit or induce any employee, vendor, client or business from severing their relationship with the Photographer.

(c) The Contractor will not utilize any business model, business plan, client list, or other confidential information obtained by the Contractor in the course of the engagement, for the Contractor’s own business. 

  1. Liability. The Contractor warrants that he/she will perform when booked for a photographic assignment, and that he/she is liable for any loss or other financial liability due to failure to perform other than a documented medical emergency or an “Act of Nature”. The Photographer is not liable for any loss or damage to the Contractor’s equipment under this Contract.
  1. Late Arrivals. In the event the Contractor is late arriving to the event, the compensation as outlined in this Contract will be modified accordingly.
  1. Assignment. The Contractor may not assign or delegate any of its rights or responsibilities under this Contract to a third party.
  1. Insurance. The Contractor certifies that he or she has business liability insurance and malpractice insurance (or its equivalent) in an amount sufficient to cover any foreseeable damages related to its performance of this Contract.
  1. Cancellation. In the event that an assignment is cancelled, the Photographer will provide notice to the Contractor as soon as practicable. The Contractor will not be entitled to payment in the event of Client cancellation.
  1. Indemnification. The Photographer shall be held harmless for any and all injury to the Contractor during the course of the photography session and the immediately surrounding events.
  1. Disputes. If any dispute arises between Photographer and Contractor in connection with, or arising out of, this Contract, the parties within thirty (30) days shall attempt to settle such dispute informally through discussions. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within five (5) business days of convening for informal dispute resolution discussions, the dispute must immediately be referred to mediation either as a final resolution, or as a condition precedent to, the initiation of any adjudicative action or proceeding. Such mediation shall be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. The parties shall have thirty (30) days, from the date written notice is given by one party to the other of the need for mediation, to agree upon a mediator and commence mediation or either party may bring legal action, including litigation, to have a mediator appointed. Any dispute that has not been resolved amicably among the parties by mediation, may proceed to litigation.
  1. Attorney’s Fees. If either party to this Contract brings a legal action against the other party to this Contract to secure the specific performance of this Contract, collect damages for breach of this Contract, or otherwise enforce or interpret this Contract, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorney’s fees and all costs, premiums for bonds, fees, and other expenses expended or incurred in the action in addition to any other relief that may be awarded.
  1. Miscellany. This Contract incorporates the entire understanding of the parties. Any modifications of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. Any waiver of a breach or default hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of a subsequent breach or default of either the same provision or any other provision of this Contract. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana.
  1. Payment Plan. The following payment plan shall be adhered to for the assignment as detailed in the Contract. These rates have been agreed upon by the Contractor and the Photographer prior to this Contract. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date(s) set forth below, via electronic signature.

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Signed by Casey Rucinski
Signed On: April 7, 2023

Signature Certificate
Document name: casey and her camera | Independent Contractor Contract
lock iconUnique Document ID: 4afced86a751916659f2fd68e9a75df3465d0b5c
Timestamp Audit
December 28, 2015 3:30 pm ESTcasey and her camera | Independent Contractor Contract Uploaded by Casey Rucinski - IP

casey and her camera is an Indianapolis Photographer specializing in couple, lifestyle, senior, wedding and family photography for Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas.